The CORE Co-Creators Circle
If you are reading this it means that you are curious as to “what is this Co-Creators thingy of which you speak?” Or you just stumbled on this. Either way I am going to tell you what it is.
The CORE Co-Creators Circle is a Mastermind.
A mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help members solve their problems with input and advice from the other group members.
If you have been following The Futur on YouTube or even before that if you watched This Week in Web Design you might be familiar with the CORE Framework. It was first released in 2014 by Jose Caballer (myself) and Chris Do from The Futur. It sets the foundation for this story.
You are reading this because you are probably searching. You are looking for the answers. How to grow. How to scale. How to hire people. How to go from “freelancer to agency.” Or you are a Creative Entrepreneur /Artist and are trying to launch your new business. Your new idea. You are looking to figure it out. If that is the case, then keep reading.
Here is the story up to now. Last week we launched the CORE Co-Creators Circle with a FREE preview. It was a “dry run” for the actual Mastermind. It was a full house. 3 of you got to share your stories. You shared where you were with your practices and what challenges you were facing. Myself, Mary Gribbin and attendees shared their own stories with solutions for the 3 brave people that were willing to share. By the end of the call those 3 people had tangible solutions for their challenges. And guess what? Everyone else on the call had the same challenges. The solutions were for everyone.
Imagine that call on a regular basis. Imagine having your peers be your mentors. Do you currently have a board of advisors? Do you currently do what successful entrepreneurs do everyday? Seek council, facilitate ideas, do the work of planning the future. Powerfully and with vision. If you are not doing this you might be struggling. At worse you are feeling alone.
Imagine the CORE Co-Creators Circle as the Knights of the Round Table. In the legend of King Arthur he had 12 trusted knights that advised him. (And one wizard) Who advises you? King Arthur was able to tackle monumental challenges to his kingdom with the council and loyalty of his knights and his wizard. (Can you tell I’ve been watching too much Merlin on Netflix.)
Who are your knights? Who is your wizard? So to shift from metaphor to reality. Here is what you are going to get.
You are going to get a 90 day moderated “Round Table” on Zoom with a council of 12 of your peers. Each week month you are going to be facilitated by two Design wizards; Jose Caballer and Mary Gribbin. The goal of this 90 Day program is to support you in growing your business, launching your new idea or transforming your own life.
The first session starts Friday July 19th. That is in 3 days from this Medium Post. If you want to join just Tweet me. If you have more questions, read on.
We are dividing the 90 days into 3 “Sprints”. Each being 4 weeks. With one break in the middle. Calls are every Friday at 11 am PST / 2 pm EST. Either way close to your lunch time on Friday. The last thing you will do in your week is plan your upcoming week with your accountability partners! Brilliant!
If you are familiar with the Business Model Canvas — and even if you are not, we are going to be using the CORE Canvas to track your journey. All of the tools we will use were developed by Designers for other creative people like you.
We are going to be using the first Sprint to create each other’s Personal CORE Canvas. A prioritized synthesis of what you need to do, for whom you need to do it and how you can deliver value and impact to those people. This will in return fuel the growth of your business. For one simple reason. Because you are creating fidelity. The “degree of exactness” of the output based on the input. I use the term for Design strategy the same way it’s used in music. “The degree to which an electronic system accurately reproduces the sound or image of its input signal.”
Below is an example of how I am creating fidelity. I worked with you to create a profile of you and your needs. My Co-Creator Profiles (User Profiles) include James De Mendoza a Designer from Costa Rica that needs help clarifying his business. Read it below and tell me if it matches you.
Better yet, let’s do an experiment. I want you to fill out the survey below. It only has a few questions. But it will help me validate your needs and create fidelity in how I answer your questions.
Click Here to the CORE Co-Creators Survey.
In the survey I want you to tell me what you want to create with your life. I also want you to share how CORE has already changed your life.
For Example:
The early videos you and Chris did on the Futur were foundational in my ability to succeed over the last 12–16 months. I could always design a decent website, but because of you guys — not only did I realize that wasn’t enough, but I learned the importance of strategy. From the videos, I began trialing and erroring a discovery meeting process. Then recently, I was able to purchase CORE and combine both processes to create a workflow that worked great for my business. If it wasn’t for those videos you published for free — I’d still be stuck only being able to charge $500 for a website. Outside of me, however, CORE was foundational in jumpstarting my mom’s career. To keep a long story short… she got laid off in January and instead of having her go out and find another job I told her to get back into the marketing world and try it out. Because of CORE and all the free content you put out I was able to, at 19, support and float all expenses to allow my mom to start over. Because of CORE and all the free content you put out.. she was able to take an almost impossible task and learn how to deliver brand strategy.
This CORE user has been able to transform both his life and his mom’s life! It’s because of stories like this that I do this every day. Because of you I create all the free content I create. Because of you I created the CORE Co-Creators Circle. To bring all the knights to the round table. To bring the tribe to the circle.
“But Jose I still don’t know. I don’t think I can invest this much money right now.” I get it. I really do. But I will tell you one last thing. Imagine that in the first two weeks we are able to remove any obstacles that you might have. That we are able to define your CORE Customers and identify what you need to tell them to close that sale. That one sale that you’ve been wanting to close. Needing to close. What would that result in?
All the content you put out over the past few years allowed me to develop my process and then when I purchased CORE I was able to lock it in. This alone has allowed me to go from charging $500 for a website to $10,000-$20,000 because of my ability to facilitate strategy. — Andrew Shultz
Andrew has been able to use CORE to go from $500 to $10,000! He is also taking part in the CORE Co-Creators Circle. Andrew is “in the game.” He is on the field. He is a player. “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” The question is are you not playing because you rather do it alone or because you are afraid?
Dear fellow creative master, here are some parting words for you. Don’t let doubt, fear, lack of faith stop you from investing in yourself. Don’t let the stories of the past prevent you from creating a new future for yourself and your family.
Most importantly think of it this way. If you have benefited from all the free content that I have put out over the last 8 years, if you have benefited from the CORE kit, imagine how it would be to do it together. Imagine how much fun, joy and community you will be able to take part in.
When I asked the 40 people on our first call the NPS (Net Promoter Score) question; Would you recommend CORE Co-Creators Circle to a friend? Here were some of the answers:
In summary: We are launching a 90 day Mastermind. It will be awesome. You will be able to Design your future together. It starts this Friday the 19th of July. It will get you ready for the Fall busy season. You will have tons of fun.
Much love,
PS. If you want to watch the replay of the first call sign up for the CORE Email List. Click Here to sign up.
PPS. If you have concerns, more questions or want to arrange a payment plan. Hit me up on Insta. Click Here to do so.
PPPS. Thank you to all of you who have already joined. I can’t wait to work with you this Friday at 11 am PST!