2023, My Year in LATAM in One Poem

Jose Caballer
3 min readDec 27, 2023


Hello beautiful people, it’s been a bit.

I have been away from Medium for almost a year.
Though I would love to share some UX or Design Strategy thoughts this year has been a year of travel and reflection beyond Design Strategy and UX.

With some time spent in Latin America.

I have been debating when to write again and what to write about.
Instead of continuing to mull over this, I am just going to start right here, right where I am. In Latin America.

I woke up on Christmas Day 2023 with this poem at the tip of my pen — wrote it down in my notebook and have spent the last few days editing. Thanks to the magic of AI I have. edited, retouched, translated, and re-edited over and over again.

Here they are, in Spanish and English for your reading pleasure.

Spanish Version:

En Busqueda de Raices

En una búsqueda profunda, por portales sin igual,
Buscando magia, verdad, raíces, el ser que he de hallar.
El tiempo como compañero, aventura mi guía,
Heridas autoinfligidas, millas de lejanía.

De millas a kilómetros, se despliega el trayecto,
Latinoamérica, una historia de cálido afecto.
Mi madre, mis hermanos, mis tias, el abrazo de la abuela,
En esta jornada del alma, mi esencia se revela.

Llegué con admiración, y a tus playas me dirigí,
Esta tierra del mar y el sol, que solo por aquí.
Caminos de tierra y charcos de infancia,
En cada salto, un trance de confianza.

Después de 36 años de soledad, bajo el sol del norte,
Años como sueños, en un derillio fuerte.
Sin saber anhelo de retorno, a al lugar que siempre conocí,
como el hogar de mi niño llamado el ser.

Llegando a un punto que soltar es imprescindible,
De todo, en la confianza delible.
Deja que el calor del sueño se despliegue,
Más allá del sol, una historia aún se teje.

En estado cero, todo se fusiona,
En armonia, todo dulce sintonía.
Aqui, ahora, este momento se todo se enlaza.
En el abrazo de los sueños, con un nuevo sol todo renace.

English Version:

In Search of Roots

In a profound quest, through portals without equal,
Seeking magic, truth, roots, the self I must reveal.
Time, my companion, guides the adventure’s play,
Self-inflicted wounds, miles of distance in the sway.

From miles to kilometers, the journey unfolds,
Latin America, a tale of warm affection it holds.
My mother, my siblings, my aunts, grandmother’s embrace,
In this soulful journey, my essence finds its grace.

Arrived with admiration, to your beaches I did go,
This land of sea and sun, found only here, I know.
Dirt roads and childhood puddles, memories intertwined,
In each leap, a trance of trust, a dance defined.

After 36 years of solitude, beneath the northern sun,
Years passed like dreams, in a powerful whirl spun.
Unaware of the yearning for a return to a place so dear,
The home of my inner child, known as the sincere.

Reaching a point where letting go is a must,
Of everything, in the fragile trust we entrust.
Let the warmth of the dream unfold its tale,
Beyond the sun, a story yet untold prevails.

In this zero state, where everything converges,
In harmony, in sweet symphony surges.
Here, now, in this moment, everything entwined,
In the embrace of dreams, a new sun is enshrined.

Beyond design, José Caballer is a catalyst for creatives who want to merge their purpose and their profession. His explorative approach to life, design, and coaching ignites excitement for a new integrated vision for their lives.



Jose Caballer
Jose Caballer

Written by Jose Caballer

Designer, creative director, brand strategist, and community builder

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